AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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5 Assessment STEP 3: Which Criteria Are Available for the Diagnosis and Management of UTI in the PALTC Setting? ➤ Post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) settings should use one of the established clinical algorithms (see examples below) to guide the diagnosis and decision to initiate antibiotics for residents with a suspected UTI and incorporate those criteria into their antibiotic stewardship policy. • Loeb minimum criteria describes the clinical signs and symptoms that can guide the decision to initiate antibiotics. (See Appendix A) • The AHRQ tool, developed in a SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment and Request) format, assists clinicians in deciding when to initiate an antibiotic. (See Appendix B) • International Delphi consensus criteria recognizes both specific and nonspecific signs and symptoms that are associated with UTI in practice, indicating combinations of those signs and symptoms that justify antibiotic prescribing. (See Appendix C) • The IOU consensus recommendation describes a set of signs and symptoms most likely to indicate uncomplicated cystitis in non-catheterized residents. (See Appendix D)

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