AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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Recognition 4 STEP 2: Which Symptoms Are No Longer Considered To Be Suggestive of UTI? Consider evaluating for other potential causes of non-specific symptoms that do not suggest the diagnosis of UTI, especially in the absence of genito-urinary tract-specific signs and symptoms. Change in color or odor of urine: ➤ Changes such as dark, cloudy or foul-smelling urine are not sufficient to indicate a UTI in the absence of clinical signs and symptoms that localize to the genito-urinary tract. It may reflect mild dehydration or changes to diet or medications. Fall: ➤ A fall is not considered a symptom of a urinary tract infection, especially in the absence of genito-urinary tract-specific signs and symptoms. Therefore, resident should be carefully evaluated for an alternative explanation for the fall in such scenarios. Change in mental status: ➤ Current recommendations suggest that there should be systemic or specific urinary findings to attribute a UTI as the cause of mental status change. A diagnosis of UTI should only be considered in those residents with unequivocal delirium who have no other cause for these acute, fluctuating symptoms. For older adults with a change in mental status, the diagnosis of a UTI or CAUTI is a diagnosis of exclusion.

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