AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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15 STEP 10: Monitoring of Individuals With a Change in Condition But Who Do Not Meet Diagnostic Criteria for UTI ("Active Monitoring") ➤ Active monitoring protocol includes frequent monitoring of vital signs, paying attention to hydration status (e.g., recording fluid intake, stimulating fluid intake), and repeated physical assessments by nursing home staff. A physician should be notified if signs and symptoms worsen or do not resolve, if new signs and symptoms arise, or if fluid intake is less than a certain predefined amount. Example of an Active Monitoring Order Set ❑ Obtain vital signs (BP, Pulse, Resp Rate, Temp, Pulse Ox) every ____ hours for ____ days. ❑ Record fluid intake each shi for ____ days. ❑ Notify physician if fluid intake is less than ____ cc daily. ❑ Offer resident ____ ounces of water/juice every ____ hours. ❑ Notify physician, NP, or PA if condition worsens or if no improvement in ____ hours ❑ Obtain the following blood work: _________________________________. ❑ Consult pharmacist to review medication regimen. ❑ Contact the physician, NP, or PA with an update on the resident's condition on _________. Nace D.A., et al. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 2014 Feb;15(2):133-9. Monitoring

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