AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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106 Commerce Street, Suite 105 Lake Mary, FL 32746 TEL: 407.878.7606 • FAX: 407.878.7611 Order additional copies at Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved AMDAUTI01203a Disclaimer is pocket guide attempts to define principles of practice that should produce high-quality patient carein the post-acute and long-term care setting. is pocket guide should not be considered exclusive of other methods of care reasonably directed at obtaining the same results. e ultimate judgment concerning the propriety of any course of conduct must be made by the clinician aer consideration of each individual patient situation. Neither IGC, the medical associations, nor the authors endorse any product or service associated with the distributor of this clinical reference tool. Not for further reproduction or distribution without written permission. References Ashraf MS, Gaur S, Bushen O et al. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Settings: A Consensus Statement from AMDA's Infection Advisory Subcommittee. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2020 Jan;21(1):12-24.e2. van Buul LW, Vreeken HL, Bradley SF, et al. e development of a decision tool for the empiric treatment of suspected urinary tract infection in frail older adults: A delphi consensus procedure. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2018;19:757e764. Nace DA, Perera SK, Hanlon JT, et al. e Improving Outcomes of UTI Management in Long- Term Care Project (IOU) consensus guidelines for the diagnosis of uncomplicated cystitis in nursing home residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2018;19:765e769.e3. Hanlon JT, Perera S, Drinka PJ, et al. e IOU Consensus Recommendations for Empirical erapy of cystitis in nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc 2019;67:539e545. Nace DA, Drinka PJ, Crnich CJ. Clinical uncertainties in the approach to longterm care residents with possible urinary tract infection. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2014;15:133e139. Loeb M, Bentley DW, Bradley S, et al. Development of minimum criteria for the initiation of antibiotics in residents of long-term-care facilities: Results of a consensus conference. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2001;22:120e124. Toolkit 1. Suspected UTI SBAR Toolkit. 2016. Available at: toolkits/determine-whether-to-treat/toolkit1-suspected-uti-sbar.html. Accessed November 10, 2018. Suggested Citation Ashraf MS, Gaur S, Clifford K, Dumyati G, Healy E, Bergman, C. "Urinary Tract Infections in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting." AMDA–e Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Clinical Practice Pocket Guide Series. February 2020. Acknowledgements AMDA – e Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine developed this educational tool with the support and cooperation of the Clinical Practice Steering Committee and Clinical Practice Guidelines and Tools Subcommittee. A special thank you to the following members for their contributions: Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS, FIDSA Swati Gaur, MD, MBA, CMD, AGSF Kalin Clifford, Pharm D Ghinwa Dumyati, MD Elaine Healy, MD Christian Bergman, MD AMDA Staff: Erin O. Vigne, RN, MA–Interim Director, Clinical Affairs

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