AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

High Blood Pressure

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Page 13 of 57

14 Diagnosis Hypothyroidism <1% Dry skin; cold intolerance; constipation; hoarseness; weight gain Hyperthyroidism <1% Warm, moist skin; heat intolerance; nervousness; tremulousness; insomnia; weight loss; diarrhea; proximal muscle weakness Aortic coarctation (undiagnosed or repaired) 0.1% Young patient with hypertension (<30 y of age) Primary hyperparathyroidism Rare Hypercalcemia Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Rare Hypertension and hypokalemia; virilization (11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency [11-beta- OH]); incomplete masculinization in males and primary amenorrhea in females (17-alpha- hydroxylase deficiency [17-alpha-OH]) Mineralocorticoid excess syndromes other than primary aldosteronism Rare Early-onset hypertension; resistant hypertension; hypokalemia or hyperkalemia Acromegaly Rare Acral features, enlarging shoe, glove, or hat size; headache, visual disturbances; diabetes mellitus a Depending on the clinical situation (hypertension alone, 5%; hypertension starting dialysis, 22%; hypertension and peripheral vascular disease, 28%; hypertension in the elderly with congestive heart failure, 34%). b 8% in general population with hypertension; up to 20% in patients with resistant hypertension. c Although obstructive sleep apnea is listed as a cause of secondary hypertension, RCTs on the effects of continuous positive airway pressure on lowering BP in patients with hypertension have produced mixed results (see Obstructive Sleep Apnea for details). d For a list of frequently used drugs causing hypertension and accompanying evidence, see Table 10. Table 9. Causes of Secondary Hypertension With Clinical Indications and Diagnostic Screening Tests (cont'd) Prevalence Clinical Indications

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