AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

High Blood Pressure

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Contents of this Issue


Page 14 of 57

15 Delayed ankle reflex; periorbital puffiness; coarse skin; cold skin; slow movement; goiter yroid-stimulating hormone; free thyroxine None Lid lag ; fine tremor of the outstretched hands; warm, moist skin yroid-stimulating hormone; free thyroxine Radioactive iodine uptake and scan BP higher in upper extremities than in lower extremities; absent femoral pulses; continuous murmur over patient's back, chest, or abdominal bruit; le thoracotomy scar (postoperative) Echocardiogram oracic and abdominal CT angiogram or MRA Usually none Serum calcium Serum parathyroid hormone Signs of virilization (11-beta-OH) or incomplete masculinization (17-alpha-OH) Hypertension and hypokalemia with low or normal aldosterone and renin 11-beta-OH: elevated deoxycorticosterone (DOC), 11-deoxycortisol, and androgens17-alpha- OH; decreased androgens and estrogen; elevated deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone Arrhythmias (with hypokalemia) Low aldosterone and renin Urinary cortisol metabolites, genetic testing Acral features; large hands and feet; frontal bossing Serum growth hormone ≥1 ng/mL during oral glucose load Elevated age- and sex- matched IGF-1 level; MRI scan of the pituitary Physical Examination Screening Tests Additional/ Confirmatory Tests

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