AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

High Blood Pressure

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Contents of this Issue


Page 12 of 57

13 Physical Examination Screening Tests Additional/ Confirmatory Tests Abdominal mass (polycystic kidney disease); skin pallor Renal ultrasound Tests to evaluate cause of renal disease Abdominal systolic- diastolic bruit; bruits over other arteries (carotid – atherosclerotic or fibromuscular dysplasia), femoral Renal Duplex Doppler ultrasound; magnetic resonance arteriography (MRA); abdominal computed tomography (CT) Bilateral selective renal intra-arterial angiography Arrhythmias (with hypokalemia); especially atrial fibrillation Plasma aldosterone/renin ratio under standardized conditions (correction of hypokalemia and withdrawal of aldosterone antagonists for 4–6 wk) Oral sodium loading test (with 24-h urine aldosterone) or IV saline infusion test with plasma aldosterone at 4 h of infusion; Adrenal CT scan, adrenal vein sampling. Obesity; Mallampati class III–IV; loss of normal nocturnal BP fall Berlin Questionnaire; Epworth Sleepiness Score; overnight oximetry Polysomnography Fine tremor, tachycardia; sweating (cocaine, ephedrine, MAO inhibitors); acute abdominal pain (cocaine) Urinary drug screen (illicit drugs) Response to withdrawal of suspected agent Skin stigmata of neurofibromatosis (café-au- lait spots, neurofibromas); Orthostatic hypotension 24-h urinary fractionated metanephrines or plasma metanephrines under standard conditions (supine position with indwelling IV cannula) CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of abdomen/pelvis Central obesity; "moon" face, dorsal and supraclavicular fat pads, wide (1-cm) violaceous striae, hirsutism Overnight 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test 24-h urinary free cortisol excretion (preferably multiple); midnight salivary cortisol

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