AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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21 Appendix B: Continued R Request for Physician/NP/PA Orders Orders were provided by clinician through ❑ Phone ❑ Fax ❑ In Person ❑ Other____________________________ ❑ Order UA ❑ Urine culture ❑ Encourage ________ ounces of liquid intake ________ times daily until urine is light yellow in color. ❑ Record fluid intake. ❑ Assess vital signs for ________ days, including temp, every ________ hours for ________ hours. ❑ Notify Physician/NP/PA if symptoms worsen or if unresolved in ________ hours. ❑ Initiate the following antibiotic Antibiotic:__________________________________ Dose: _______________ Route: ________ Duration: _________________________________________ ❑ No ❑ Yes Pharmacist to adjust for renal function ❑ Other __________________________________________________________ Physician/NP/PA signature Date/Time ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone order received by Date/Time ___________________________________________________________________ Family/POA notified (name) Date/Time ___________________________________________________________________ Source: Toolkit 1. Suspected UTI SBAR Toolkit. 2016. Available at: nhguide/toolkits/determine-whether-to-treat/toolkit1-suspected-uti-sbar.html. Accessed November 10, 2018.

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