AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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Monitoring 16 STEP 11: Monitoring of Individuals Treated and At Risk for UTI ➤ Monitor vital signs, oral intake, cognition and function for response to therapy and/or opportunities for de-escalation as above. ➤ Check results of urine culture as specified above and adjust antimicrobial therapy based on clinical status and susceptibility results, when indicated ("antibiotic time-out"). ➤ Follow labs, including renal profile and drug levels, as clinically indicated and/or based on antimicrobial agent guidelines. ➤ Obtaining post-treatment urine cultures ("test-of-cure") is not recommended. ➤ Surveillance cultures of those with urinary catheters or recurrent UTI's is not recommended. ➤ Chronic/long-term prophylactic antibiotic therapy is not recommended to prevent recurrence of UTI in both catheterized and non-catheterized individuals; while antibiotics may reduce the risk of recurrent uncomplicated UTI's, the potential harms associated with long-term use, coupled with the prevalence of multidrug resistant organisms among PALTC residents, argues against this practice. ➤ For postmenopausal women, local (vaginal) estrogen therapy should be considered for the prevention of recurrent UTI's as well as to treat atrophic vaginitis, the symptoms of which often mimic UTI.

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