AMDA Pocket Guidelines

UTIs in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting

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25 d Appendix D: IOU Consensus Criteria Algorithm for the Diagnostic Approach to Acute Simple (Uncomplicated) Cystitis in Non-Catheterized Nursing Home Residents Is This A Simple Uncomplicated Bladder Infection? (Cystitis) Evaluate & treat as possible complicated UTI. Cystitis likely. Obtain urine and treat empirically. Cystitis likely. Obtain urine and treat empirically. Unlikely cystitis. Active monitoring & evaluate for other cause Resident has dysuria AND one other symptom in Box 2. Resident has hematuria AND suprapubic pain? Box 1 – Warning Signs & Symptoms of Complicated UTI • Fever • Flank pain • Rigors/chills • Prostatic/scrotal pain • Urinary catheter • Hypotension • Elevated serum WBC Box 2 – Simple Cystitis Symptoms • Gross hematuria • Suprapubic pain • Urinary frequency/ urgency YES NO YES NO YES NO Resident has urinary catheter OR Has ≥2 warning signs or symptoms suggesting possible complicated urinary tract infection such as pyelonephritis, renal abscess, prostatitis? (See Box 1) Source: Nace DA, Perera SK, Hanlon JT, et al. e Improving Outcomes of UTI Management in Long-Term Care Project (IOU) consensus guidelines for the diagnosis of uncomplicated cystitis in nursing home residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2018;19:765e769.e3.

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