NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia NLA

Official NLA Dyslipidemia Guidelines Appsbrought to you free of charge courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, Enjoy!

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Treatment Table 15B. Combination Drugs — Effects on Lipid Metabolism Agents and Daily Doses Lipid/Lipoprotein Effects (vary with dosage used) Extended-release niacin/lovastatin ▶ Advicor ® 500/20 to 2000/80 mg/day LDL-C 34%-47% HDL-C 24%-33% TG 35%-48% Apo B ≤40% Extended-release niacin/simvastatin ▶ Simcor ® 500/20 to 2000/40 mg/day LDL-C 34%-56% HDL-C 15%-29% TG 22%-38% Apo B ≤50% Ezetimibe/simvastatin ▶ Vytorin ® 10/10 to 10/80 mg/day LDL-C 45%-60% HDL-C 6%-10% TG 23%-31% Apo B ≤50% Ezetimibe/atorvastatin ▶ Liptruzet ™ 10/10 to 10/80 mg/day LDL-C 53%-61% HDL-C 7%-9% TG 31%-40% Apo B 43%-50% 16 Table 16. Agents for Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia Agent Dose Lipid/Lipoprotein Effects Mipomersen (Kynamro ® ) 200 mg once weekly subcut LDL-C 21% TG 18% HDL-C 11% Apo B 24% Lomitapide ( Juxtapid ® ) 5 mg PO once daily × ≥2 wks, then increase to 10, 20, 40 and 60 mg at ≥4 wk intervals as tolerated LDL-C 40% TG 45% HDL-C 7% Apo B 39%

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