NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia NLA

Official NLA Dyslipidemia Guidelines Appsbrought to you free of charge courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, Enjoy!

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11 Figure 1. Model of Steps in Lifestyle Therapies Visit 1 a • Begin lifestyle therapies Visit 2 • Evaluate atherogenic cholesterol response • If goal not achieved, intensify atherogenic cholesterol- lowering therapy Visit 3 • Evaluate atherogenic cholesterol response • If goal not achieved, consider adding drug therapy Visit N b • Monitor adherence to lifestyle therapies every 4-12 months • Emphasize reduction of saturated fat and cholesterol intakes • Encourage moderate physical activity • Encourage weight loss, if overweight or obese • Recommend referral to an RDN • Reinforce recommendations from Visit 1 • Consider adding plant stanols/ sterols • Increase viscous fiber intake • Recommend referral to an RDN • Intensify weight management and physical activity • Recommend referral to an RDN a For people at high or very high risk for ASCVD in whom drug therapy is indicated, it may be started concomitantly with lifestyle therapies. For other patients, a trial of lifestyle therapies should be undertaken before initiation of drug therapy. b In most cases, goal levels should be achieved in approximately 6 months. Figure 2. Progression of Atherogenic-Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Therapy Initiate atherogenic- cholesterol- lowering drug therapy (statin, unless contraindicated a If goal not achieved, intensify atherogenic- cholesterol- lowering drug therapy If goal not achieved, intensify drug therapy or refer to a lipid specialist Monitor response and adherence to therapy every 4-12 months b a A moderate or high-intensity statin should be first-line drug therapy for treatment of elevated levels of atherogenic cholesterol, unless contraindicated. In a patient with very high triglycerides (≥500 mg/dL), a triglyceride-lowering drug may be considered for first-line use to prevent pancreatitis. Other ASCVD risk factors should be managed appropriately in parallel. b In most cases, goal levels should be achieved in approximately 6 months.

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