NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia NLA

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Risk Assessment 3 Table 2. Major Risk Factors for ASCVD a 1. Age Male ≥45 years Female ≥55 years 2. Family history of early CHD b <55 years of age in a male first-degree relative, or <65 years of age in a female first-degree relative 3. Current cigarette smoking 4. High blood pressure (≥140/≥90 mm Hg, or on blood pressure medication) 5. Low HDL-C Male <40 mg/dL Female <50 mg/dL a Levels of non-HDL-C and LDL-C are not listed, because these risk factors are used to assess risk category and treatment goals for atherogenic lipoprotein cholesterol levels. (See Table 4) Diabetes mellitus is not listed because it is considered a high or very high risk condition for ASCVD risk assessment purposes. b CHD is defined as myocardial infarction (MI), coronary death, or a coronary revascularization procedure. Risk Assessment Î Risk category is used both for the purpose of defining treatment goals for atherogenic cholesterol (as well as apo B) and for defining the level of atherogenic cholesterol elevation at which pharmacotherapy to lower atherogenic cholesterol levels might be considered. Î As an option for those with 2 major ASCVD risk factors, the clinician may wish to perform quantitative risk scoring to estimate 10-year or long-term/lifetime risk for an ASCVD or coronary heart disease (CHD) event (See Table 3) and may also consider other risk indicators based on additional testing. • It should be noted that the risk scoring thresholds are not intended to indicate "statin benefit groups." Table 3. Risk Calculators High Risk Threshold a Adult Treatment Panel III Framingham • ≥10% 10-year risk for a hard CHD event (MI or CHD death) Pooled Cohort Equations (American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association) • Estimator/ ≥15% 10-year risk for a hard ASCVD event (MI, stroke or death from CHD or stroke) Framingham long-term (30-year to age 80) • Estimator/ ≥45% risk for CVD (MI, CHD death or stroke) a ese thresholds identify "high risk " individuals and are not intended to indicate "statin benefit" groups.

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