NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia NLA

Official NLA Dyslipidemia Guidelines Appsbrought to you free of charge courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, Enjoy!

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13 Table 14. LDL Apheresis a NLA Criteria from Expert Panel on FH FDA-Approved Indication LDL apheresis may be considered for the following patients who, after 6 months, do not have adequate response to maximum tolerated drug therapy: • Functional homozygous FH with LDL-C ≥300 mg/dL (or non-HDL-C ≥330 mg/dL) • Functional heterozygous FH with LDL-C ≥300 mg/dL (or non-HDL-C ≥330 mg/dL) and 0-1 risk factors • Functional heterozygous FH with LDL-C ≥200 mg/dL (or non-HDL-C ≥230 mg/dL) and high-risk characteristics, such as 2 risk factors or high lipoprotein (a) (≥50 mg/dL using an isoform-insensitive assay) • Functional heterozygous FH with LDL-C ≥160 mg/dL (or non-HDL-C ≥190 mg/dL) and very high risk characteristics (established CHD, other cardiovascular disease, or diabetes) LDL apheresis is considered medically necessary when patients have failed diet and maximum drug therapy from ≥2 separate classes of hypolipidemic drugs for ≥6 months in addition to any 1 of the following criteria: • Homozygous FH with LDL-C ≥500 mg/dL • Heterozygous FH with LDL-C ≥300 mg/dL • Functional heterozygous FH with LDL-C ≥200 mg/dL in patients with coronary artery disease a e NLA criteria are more inclusive than the FDA-approved indication criteria. Clinicians should be aware of this with regard to reimbursement. Side Effects Contraindications ▶ Myopathy ▶ ▶ LFT values ▶ May increase plasma glucose levels Absolute: ▶ Active or chronic liver disease ▶ Pregnancy, lactation, or desire to become pregnant Relative (statin specific: see individual PI): ▶ Concomitant use of certain drugs (cyclosporine, macrolide antibiotics, various antifungal agents and cytochrome P-450 inhibitors [fibrates and niacin should be used with appropriate caution]) ▶ GI distress ▶ Constipation ▶ Decreased absorption of other drugs Absolute: ▶ Dysbetalipoproteinemia ▶ TG >400 mg/dL Relative: ▶ TG >200 mg/dL

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