Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1289696

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Page 14 of 15

15 Table 12. Factors That Affect Oral Pancreatic Enzyme Efficacy • Enzymes are dosed inadequately. • Enzyme is outdated. • Delayed gastric emptying causes poor mixing of enzymes with food and prolonged exposure to gastric acid. • Rapid small bowel transit reduces mucosal contact time. • Timing of enzymes is inappropriate such as taking at completion of meal instead of at beginning/during meal. • Gastric and intestinal environment is too acidic. The optimal pH for enzyme activation is >5.5 (lipase is irreversibly inactivated at pH of <4). Therefore, an acid- suppressing agent may be needed. • Enzymes are improperly stored (exposed to heat—e.g., in the car, in a clothing pocket) or taken with hot drinks, which can denature enzymes. • Over-the-counter generic enzymes are used and are not bioequivalent to prescription enzymes. • Enzyme capsule contents are chewed or crushed. • Delayed dissolution of enteric-coated enzyme capsule contents in the small bowel shifts absorption sites distally. • Capsule contents have prolonged exposure to alkaline foods or fluids. • Patient does not take enzymes as prescribed. Notes: • All PERT work optimally in pH >5.5. Proton pump inhibitors produce 90% reduction in acid secretion vs. only 50% with H2 receptor antagonists. • PERT activity peaks about 30 minutes after ingestion and last about 2 hours. Table 11. Sodium Bicarbonate Sources for Mixing with Pancreatic Enzymes Source mEq bicarb and sodium Sodium bicarbonate solution • 8.4% solution (84 mg/mL) • 650 mg tablet dissolved in 65 mL of water • 325 mg tablet in 40 mL water • 1 mEq/mL each of bicarbonate & Na Sodium bicarbonate powder (same as baking soda) • 500 mg • 650 mg • 6.2 mEq each of bicarbonate and Na • 7.7 mEq each of bicarbonate and Na Baking soda (from your kitchen) • 1/8 teaspoon • 6.7 mEq each of bicarbonate and Na Notes: • For each 10,000 units of lipase, 10 mL of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate is recommended. • Monitor basic metabolic panel for serum bicarbonate level to ensure patient does not become alkalotic on sodium bicarbonate dose. • Do not use calcium carbonate or magnesium aluminum hydroxide antacids as both have been shown to reverse the beneficial effects of enzyme therapy by causing precipitation of calcium and magnesium soaps.

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