Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1289696

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Page 13 of 15

14 Pancreatic Enzyme Delivery with Enteral Nutrition Table 10. Pancreatic Enzyme Delivery for EN – Advantages and Limitations Product Advantages Limitations Lipase cartridge • FDA approved for EN use • Research shows efficacy with EN • Maintains closed EN systems • Ease of use • Does not contribute to total daily lipase limit • Continuously hydrolyzes fat in the formula during EN infusion • Requires pump for EN infusion • Cannot use with oral diet • Cannot use with bolus or gravity feeding • Cannot use formulas with insoluble fiber as they clog the cartridge • Availability dependent on individual hospital or outpatient pharmacy • Requires new cartridge for every 500 mL of formula needed • Formulas vary in % fat hydrolysis https://www.relizorb.com/docs/pdfs/ Compatible-Formulas-and-Pumps.pdf Oral/enteral pancreatic enzymes • Can be used for bolus feedings • Does not require a pump • Can be given orally or with EN • Broad availability in hospital or outpatient pharmacies • Only one product FDA-approved for EN use • Lacks research showing efficacy with EN despite historical use • Counts toward total daily lipase units • Crushing enzymes is labor intensive • Using crushed enzymes increases the chance of clogging a feeding tube • If given orally, must be given frequently since enzyme activity is time-limited • Enzymes and EN may not mix effectively if not delivered together

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