Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1289696

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11 Pancreatic Enzyme Delivery with Enteral Nutrition • There are two FDA-approved options for delivery of pancreatic enzymes with EN as well as other non-FDA approved anecdotal methods (Table 9). Advantages and disadvantages of those options are listed in Table 10. Table 12 highlights factors that affect pancreatic enzyme efficacy. • PERT administration with enteric nutrition requires careful consideration of the challenges: ▶ Challenge 1: Ensure nurse/caregiver has clear understanding of the process. ▶ Challenge 2: Ensure adequate mixing between PERT and fat content particulary during long periods of continuous EN infusion. ▶ Challenge 3: Avoid clogging and damage to feeding tubes. • Novel products as well as creative use of standard enzyme replacement capsules have been used to overcome these issues. Table 9A. Three Pancreatic Enzyme Delivery Options for EN Method 1: FDA-Approved Lipase Cartridge for Continuous Enteral Feedings RELiZORB (Alcresta erapeutics) • FDA approved for use in pediatric patients (ages 5 years and above) and adults • Lipase mixes with enteral nutrition in the delivery cartridge NOT the lumen of the GI tract. • Formulas containing insoluble fiber cannot be used since they will clog the cartridge. See website for compatible formulas (https://www.relizorb.com/docs/pdfs/Compatible-Formulas- and-Pumps.pdf ) • One cartridge is needed for every 500 mL of EN formula. • Feeding pumps must be set at a flow rate of at least 10 mL/hr for single cartridge setup and 24 mL/hr in tandem configuration. • Maximum flow rate is 120 mL/hr Method 2: FDA-Approved Delivery of Oral Pancreatic Enzymes for Enteral Feedings via a Gastrostomy Tube* Pertzye (4000 USP lipase units - Digestive Care, Inc.) • Pertzye is the only oral pancreatic enzyme with US FDA approval for gastrostomy (G) tube administration. http://www.digestivecare.com/PDFs/DCI_G-Tube2017.pdf • G-tube administration should only be performed with the contents of one or two 4,000 USP lipase unit capsules. • Administer with soft foods with a pH of ≤4.0 via a G-tube with a diameter of ≥14 (e.g., 1–2 capsule contents mixed well in 10 mL applesauce followed by water flush). • If dose requires more than two capsules, repeat above until prescribed dose is reached. * Dose lipase units per Table 7 instructions.

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