AAO Digital GUIDELINES Apps (free trial)

Dry Eye Syndrome

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Contents of this Issue


Page 12 of 17

11 Î Moisture inserts (hydroxypropyl cellulose) are occasionally helpful for patients who are unable to use frequent artificial tears. (III, M, D) Î Pilocarpine and cevimeline have been approved by the FDA to treat the symptoms of dry mouth in patients with Sjögren syndrome. (I+, M, D) Î Cyclosporine treatment has been shown to have short-term clinical benefits in the treatment of dry eye. (I+, G, S) Î Autologous serum drops have been reported to improve ocular irritation symptoms as well as conjunctival and corneal dye staining in patients with Sjögren syndrome. (III, In, D) Î Autologous serum drops have been reported to improve ocular irritation symptoms as well as conjunctival and corneal dye staining in patients with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). (III, In, D) Î Filamentary keratitis can be treated with debridement of the filaments or application of topical mucolytic agents, such as acetylcysteine 10% four times a day. (III, In, D) Î Filaments can be debrided with a cotton-tip applicator, a dry cellulose sponge, or jewelers' forceps. (III, In, D) Î If the patient has associated neurotrophic keratopathy, contact lenses should be avoided. (III, G, S) Î Permanent punctal occlusion can be accomplished by means of thermal or laser cautery. (III, G, S) Î If occlusion with cautery is planned, a trial occlusion with nonpermanent implants generally should be performed first to screen for the potential development of epiphora. (III, In, D) Î A stepwise approach to cautery occlusion is generally recommended so that no more than one punctum is cauterized in each eye at a treatment session. (III, In, D) Î A limited tarsorrhaphy can be performed to decrease tear evaporation in patients with severe dry eye who have not responded to other therapies. (III, In, D) Î Rigid gas-permeable scleral lenses have been employed successfully for years in the treatment of severe dry eye. (III, In, D)

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