NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia NLA

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9 Table 11. Criteria for Clinical Identification of the Metabolic Syndrome (≥3 of the Listed Components) Measure Categorical Cut Points 1. Elevated waist circumference a • ≥40 inches (≥102 cm) in men • ≥35 inches (≥88 cm) in women 2. Elevated triglycerides (drug treatment with a triglyceride- lowering agent is an alternative indicator b ) • ≥150 mg/dL 3. Reduced HDL-C • <40 mg/dL in men • <50 mg/dL in women 4. Elevated blood pressure (antihypertensive drug treatment in a patient with a history of hypertension is an alternative indicator) • Systolic ≥130 mm Hg and/or diastolic ≥85 mm Hg 5. Elevated fasting glucose (drug treatment of elevated glucose is an alternative indicator c ) • ≥100 mg/dL a American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute guidelines for metabolic syndrome suggest waist circumference thresholds of ≥37 inches (≥94 cm) in men and ≥32 inches (≥80 cm) in women as optional cut points for individuals or populations with increased insulin resistance, including those of Asian descent (alternative values have also been published for other groups). b e most commonly used drugs for elevated triglyceride levels are fibric acids, nicotinic acid and high-dose long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. A patient taking any of these drugs may be presumed to have an elevated triglyceride level. c Most patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus will have the metabolic syndrome by these criteria.

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