AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)


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6 Treatment Table 4. Recommendations for Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults—Statin Treatment (continued) (High-, moderate-, and low-statin intensities are defined in Table 2) Recommendations Î 4. For individuals ≥21 years of age with an untreated primary LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL, after the maximum intensity of statin therapy has been achieved, addition of a nonstatin drug may be considered to further lower LDL-C. Evaluate the potential for ASCVD risk-reduction benefits, adverse effects, drug–drug interactions, and consider patient preferences. (IIb-C) Primary Prevention in Individuals With Diabetes and LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL Î 1. Moderate-intensity statin therapy should be initiated or continued for adults 40-75 years of age with diabetes mellitus. (I-A) Î 2. High-intensity statin therapy is reasonable for adults 40-75 years of age with diabetes mellitus with a ≥7.5% estimated 10-year ASCVD risk e unless contraindicated. (IIa-B) Î 3. In adults with diabetes mellitus, who are <40 or >75 years of age or with LDL-C <70 mg/dL, it is reasonable to evaluate the potential for ASCVD benefits and for adverse effects and drug–drug interactions and to consider patient preferences when deciding to initiate, continue, or intensify statin therapy. (IIa-C) Primary Prevention in Individuals Without Diabetes and With LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL Î 1. The Pooled Cohort Equations should be used to estimate 10-year ASCVD risk e for individuals with LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL without clinical ASCVD a to guide initiation of statin therapy for the primary prevention of ASCVD. (I c -B) Î 2. Adults 40-75 years of age with LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL, without clinical ASCVD a or diabetes, and with an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk e ≥7.5% should be treated with moderate- to high-intensity statin therapy. (I d -A) Î 3. It is reasonable to offer treatment with a moderate-intensity statin to adults 40-75 years of age, with LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL, without clinical ASCVD a or diabetes and an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk e of 5% to <7.5%. (IIa-B)

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