AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)


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15 Table 6. Statin Safety Recommendations (continued) Recommendations ACC/AHA COR ACC/AHA LOE 3b. During statin therapy, it is reasonable to measure hepatic function if symptoms suggesting hepatotoxicity arise (e.g., unusual fatigue or weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark-colored urine or yellowing of the skin or sclera). IIa C 4. Decreasing the statin dose may be considered when 2 consecutive values of LDL-C levels are <40 mg/dL. IIb C 5. It may be harmful to initiate simvastatin at 80 mg daily or increase the dose of simvastatin to 80 mg daily. III: Harm A 6. Individuals receiving statin therapy should be evaluated for new-onset diabetes according to the current diabetes screening guidelines. ose who develop diabetes during statin therapy should be encouraged to adhere to a heart-healthy dietary pattern, engage in physical activity, achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, cease tobacco use, and continue statin therapy to reduce their risk of ASCVD events. I c B 7. For individuals taking any dose of statins, it is reasonable to use caution in individuals >75 years of age, as well as in individuals who are taking concomitant medications that alter drug metabolism, taking multiple drugs, or taking drugs for conditions that require complex medication regimens (e.g., those who have undergone solid organ transplantation or are receiving treatment for HIV). A review of the manufacturer's prescribing information may be useful before initiating any cholesterol-lowering drug. IIa C

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