AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)


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17 Table 6. Statin Safety Recommendations (continued) Recommendations ACC/AHA COR ACC/AHA LOE 9. For individuals presenting with a confusional state or memory impairment while on statin therapy, it may be reasonable to evaluate the patient for nonstatin causes, such as exposure to other drugs, as well as for systemic and neuropsychiatric causes, in addition to the possibility of adverse effects associated with statin drug therapy. IIb C a Based on the presence of clinical ASCVD, diabetes mellitus, LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL, or level of estimated 10-year ASCVD risk. b Individuals with elevated ALT levels (usually ≥1.5 or 2 times ULN) were excluded from RCT participation. Unexplained ALT ≥3 times ULN is a contraindication to statin therapy as listed in manufacturer's prescribing information. c Statin use is associated with a very modest excess risk of new onset diabetes in RCTs and meta- analyses of RCTs (i.e., ~0.1 excess cases per 100 individuals treated 1 year with moderate-intensity statin therapy and ~0.3 excess cases per 100 individuals treated for 1 year with high-intensity statin therapy). e increased risk of new onset diabetes appears to be confined to those with risk factors for diabetes. ese individuals are also at higher risk of ASCVD due to these risk factors. erefore, if a statin-treated individual develops diabetes as detected by current diabetes screening guidelines, they should be counseled to adhere to a heart healthy dietary pattern, engage in physical activity, achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, cease tobacco use, and continue statin therapy to reduce their risk of ASCVD events. Table 7. Nonstatin Safety Recommendations Recommendations ACC/AHA COR ACC/AHA LOE Safety of Niacin 1. Baseline hepatic transaminases, fasting blood glucose or hemoglobin A1c, and uric acid should be obtained before initiating niacin, and again during up-titration to a maintenance dose and every 6 months thereaer. I B 2. Niacin should NOT be used if: • Hepatic transaminase elevations are higher than 2 to 3 times ULN. • Persistent severe cutaneous symptoms, persistent hyperglycemia, acute gout or unexplained abdominal pain or gastrointestinal symptoms occur. • New-onset atrial fibrillation or weight loss occurs. III: Harm B III: Harm B III: Harm B 3. In individuals with adverse effects from niacin, the potential for ASCVD benefits and the potential for adverse effects should be reconsidered before reinitiating niacin therapy. I B

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