AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2024

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Page 8 of 43

9 Table 5. Clinical Features in Patients with HCM Phenocopies (Mimics) Typical Presentation Age Systemic Features Possible Etiology Diagnostic Approach Infants (0–12 mo) and toddlers Dysmorphic features, failure to thrive, metabolic acidosis • RASopathies • Glycogen storage diseases, other metabolic or mitochondrial diseases • Infant of a mother with diabetes • Geneticist assessment • Newborn metabolic screening • Specific metabolic assays • Genetic testing Early childhood Delayed or abnormal cognitive development, visual or hearing impairment • RASopathies • Mitochondrial diseases • Biochemical screening • Genetic testing Youth and adolescence Skeletal muscle weakness or movement disorder • Friedrich's ataxia • Danon disease • Mitochondrial disease • Biochemical screening • Neuromuscular assessment • Genetic testing Adulthood Movement disorder, peripheral neuropathy, renal dysfunction • Anderson-Fabry disease • Friedrich's ataxia • Infiltrative disorders (eg, amyloidosis) • Glycogen storage diseases • Mitochondrial disease • Biochemical screening • Neuromuscular assessment • Genetic testing

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