AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2024

AHA GUIDELINES Apps brought to you courtesy of Guideline Central. All of these titles are available for purchase on our website, GuidelineCentral.com. Enjoy!

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1521559

Contents of this Issue


Page 7 of 43

8 Treatment Table 4. Targets for Invasive Septal Reduction Therapies Outcomes Rate (%) Myectomy Alcohol Septal Ablation 30-d mortality ≤1 ≤1 30-d adverse complications (tamponade, LAD dissection, infection, major bleeding ) ≤5 ≤5 30-d complete heart block resulting in need for permanent pacemaker ≤5 ≤10 Mitral valve replacement within 1 y ≤5 More than moderate residual mitral regurgitation ≤5 ≤5 Repeat procedure rate ≤3 ≤10 Symptomatic improvement (eg, ≥1 NYHA functional class) >90 >90 Rest and provoked LVOT gradient <50 mm Hg >90 >90 LAD indicates le anterior descending ; LVOT, le ventricular outflow tract; and NYHA, New York Heart Association. 6.1. Clinical Diagnosis COR LOE Recommendation 1 B-NR 1. In patients with suspected HCM, comprehensive physical examination and complete medical and 3-generation family history is recommended as part of the initial diagnostic assessment (Table 5, Table 6). 6. Diagnosis, Initial Evaluation, and Follow-Up

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