AAN PDN 2021 eviewer

AAN GUIDELINES Product Bundle brought to you by Guideline Central.

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1499275

Contents of this Issue


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Table 1. Medication Dosage and Duration Information Medication Class Medication Dosage Duration SNRI duloxetine 40–60 mg/d 12 weeks venlafaxine 150–225 mg/d 6 weeks desvenlafaxine 200 mg/d 13 weeks Gabapentinoid gabapentin 900–3,600 mg/d 4–8 weeks pregabalin 300–600 mg/d 5–12 weeks mirogabalin 15–30 mg/d 5 weeks Sodium channel antagonist oxcarbazepine 1,400–1,800 mg/d 16 weeks lamotrigine 200–400 mg/d 6 weeks lacosamide 400 mg/d 12 weeks Sodium channel blocker valproic acid 1,000–1,200 mg/d, or 20 mg/kg/d 4–12 weeks TCA amitriptyline 75–150 mg/d 6 weeks Capsaicin capsaicin 8% for 30 min/application, or 0.075% 4 times per day 12 weeks

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