AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Contents of this Issue


Page 27 of 49

28 Treatment Revascularization in Patients With SCAD COR LOE Recommendations 2b C-LD 1. In patients with SCAD who have hemodynamic instability or ongoing ischemia despite conservative therapy, revascularization may be considered if feasible. 3: Harm C-LD 2. Routine revascularization for SCAD should NOT be performed. Revascularization in Patients With Cardiac Allografts COR LOE Recommendation 2a C-LD 1. In patients with cardiac allograft vasculopathy and severe, proximal, discrete coronary lesions, revascularization with PCI is reasonable. Choice of Stent Type COR LOE Recommendation 1 A 1. In patients undergoing PCI, DES should be used in preference to BMS to prevent restenosis, MI, or acute stent thrombosis. Radial and Femoral Approaches for PCI COR LOE Recommendations 1 A 1. In patients with ACS undergoing PCI, a radial approach is indicated in preference to a femoral approach to reduce the risk of death, vascular complications, or bleeding. 1 A 2. In patients with SIHD undergoing PCI, the radial approach is recommended to reduce access site bleeding and vascular complications. General Procedural Issues for PCI

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