AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Contents of this Issue


Page 28 of 49

29 Treatment of Calcified Lesions COR LOE Recommendations 2a B-R 1. In patients with fibrotic or heavily calcified lesions, plaque modification with rotational atherectomy can be useful to improve procedural success. 2b B-NR 2. In patients with fibrotic or heavily calcified lesions, plaque modification with orbital atherectomy, balloon atherotomy, laser angioplasty, or intracoronary lithotripsy may be considered to improve procedural success. Use of Intravascular Imaging COR LOE Recommendations 2a B-R 1. In patients undergoing coronary stent implantation, IVUS can be useful for procedural guidance, particularly in cases of left main or complex coronary artery stenting, to reduce ischemic events. 2a B-R 2. In patients undergoing coronary stent implantation, OCT is a reasonable alternative to IVUS for procedural guidance, except in ostial left main disease. 2a C-LD 3. In patients with stent failure, IVUS or OCT is reasonable to determine the mechanism of stent failure. Thrombectomy COR LOE Recommendation 3: No benefit A 1. In patients with STEMI, routine aspiration thrombectomy before primary PCI is NOT useful.

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