AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Page 26 of 49

27 Revascularization in Patients Before Noncardiac Surgery COR LOE Recommendation 3: No benefit B-R 1. In patients with non-left main or noncomplex CAD who are undergoing noncardiac surgery, routine coronary revascularization is NOT recommended solely to reduce perioperative cardiovascular events. Table 6. Best Practices in the Catheterization Laboratory for Patients With CKD Undergoing Angiography • Assess the risk of contrast-induced AKI before the procedure. • Administer adequate preprocedural hydration. • Record the volume of contrast media administered, and minimize contrast use. • Pretreat with high-intensity statins. • Use radial artery if feasible. • Do not administer N-acetyl-L-cysteine to prevent contrast-induced AKI. • Do not give prophylactic renal replacement therapy. • Delay CABG in stable patients after angiography beyond 24 hours when clinically feasible. Revascularization in Patients to Reduce Ventricular Arrhythmias COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-NR 1. In patients with ventricular fibrillation, polymorphic VT, or cardiac arrest, revascularization of significant CAD is recommended to improve survival. 3: No benefit C-LD 2. In patients with CAD and suspected scar-mediated sustained monomorphic VT, revascularization is NOT recommended for the sole purpose of preventing recurrent VT.

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