AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Chest Pain Guidelines

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Page 11 of 55

12 Treatment Table 2. Physical Examination in Patients With Chest Pain Clinical Syndrome Findings Emergency ACS • Diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, crackles, S3, MR murmur; examination may be normal in uncomplicated cases PE • Tachycardia + dyspnea—>90% of patients; pain with inspiration Aortic dissection • Connective tissue disorders (e.g., Marfan syndrome), extremity pulse differential (30% of patients, type A>B) • Severe pain, abrupt onset + pulse differential + widened mediastinum on CXR >80% probability of dissection • Frequency of syncope >10%, AR 40%–75% (type A) Esophageal rupture • Emesis, subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax (20% patients), unilateral decreased or absent breath sounds Other Noncoronary cardiac: AS, AR, HCM • AS: Characteristic systolic murmur, tardus or parvus carotid pulse • AR: Diastolic murmur at right of sternum, rapid carotid upstroke • HCM: Increased or displaced left ventricular impulse, prominent a wave in jugular venous pressure, systolic murmur Pericarditis Myocarditis • Fever, pleuritic chest pain, increased in supine position, friction rub • Fever, chest pain, heart failure, S3 Esophagitis, peptic ulcer disease, gall bladder disease • Epigastric tenderness • Right upper quadrant tenderness, Murphy sign Pneumonia • Fever, localized chest pain, may be pleuritic, friction rub may be present, regional dullness to percussion, egophony Pneumothorax • Dyspnea and pain on inspiration, unilateral absence of breath sounds Costochondritis, Tietze syndrome • Tenderness of costochondral joints Herpes zoster • Pain in dermatomal distribution, triggered by touch; characteristic rash (unilateral and dermatomal distribution)

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