AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Chest Pain Guidelines

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Page 12 of 55

13 2.3. Diagnostic Testing 2.3.1. Setting Considerations COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-NR 1. Unless a noncardiac cause is evident, an ECG should be performed for patients seen in the office setting with stable chest pain; if an ECG is unavailable the patient should be referred to the ED so one can be obtained. 1 C-LD 2. Patients with clinical evidence of ACS or other life- threatening causes of acute chest pain seen in the office setting should be transported urgently to the ED, ideally by EMS. 1 C-LD 3. In all patients who present with acute chest pain regardless of the setting, an ECG should be acquired and reviewed for STEMI within 10 minutes of arrival. 1 C-LD 4. In all patients presenting to the ED with acute chest pain and suspected ACS, cTn should be measured as soon as possible after presentation. 3: Harm C-LD 5. For patients with acute chest pain and suspected ACS initially evaluated in the office setting, delayed transfer to the ED for cTn or other diagnostic testing should be avoided. 2.3.2. Electrocardiogram (ECG) COR LOE Recommendations 1 C-EO 1. In patients with chest pain in which an initial ECG is nondiagnostic, serial ECGs to detect potential ischemic changes should be performed, especially when clinical suspicion of ACS is high, symptoms are persistent, or the clinical condition deteriorates. 1 C-EO 2. Patients with chest pain in whom the initial ECG is consistent with an ACS should be treated according to STEMI and NSTE-ACS guidelines. 2a B-NR 3. In patients with chest pain and intermediate-to-high clinical suspicion for ACS in whom the initial ECG is nondiagnostic, supplemental electrocardiographic leads V7 to V9 are reasonable to rule out posterior MI.

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