AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Chest Pain Guidelines

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Contents of this Issue


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11 2.1.1. Focus on the Uniqueness of Chest Pain in Women COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-NR 1. Women who present with chest pain are at risk for underdiagnosis, and potential cardiac causes should always be considered. 1 B-NR 2. In women presenting with chest pain, it is recommended to obtain a history that emphasizes accompanying symptoms that are more common in women with ACS. 2.1.2. Considerations for Older Patients With Chest Pain COR LOE Recommendation 1 C-LD 1. In patients with chest pain who are >75 years of age, ACS should be considered when accompanying symptoms such as shortness of breath, syncope, or acute delirium are present, or when an unexplained fall has occurred. 2.1.3. Considerations for Diverse Patient Populations With Chest Pain COR LOE Recommendations 1 C-LD 1. Cultural competency training is recommended to help achieve the best outcomes in patients of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds who present with chest pain. 1 C-LD 2. Among patients of diverse race and ethnicity presenting with chest pain in whom English may not be their primary language, addressing language barriers with the use of formal translation services is recommended. 2.1.4. Patient-Centric Considerations COR LOE Recommendation 1 C-LD 1. In patients with acute chest pain, it is recommended that 9-1- 1 be activated by patients or bystanders to initiate transport to the closest ED by emergency medical services (EMS). 2.2. Physical Examination COR LOE Recommendation 1 C-EO 1. In patients presenting with chest pain, a focused cardiovascular examination should be performed initially to aid in the diagnosis of ACS or other potentially serious causes of chest pain (e.g., aortic dissection, PE, or esophageal rupture) and to identify complications.

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