Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1289696

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Page 9 of 15

10 Enteral Nutrition Options in the Patient with Fat Malabsorption Table 8. Oral Pancreatic Enzymes & Dosage Units Form Product Manufacturer Lipase units* Enteric-coated capsule contents (acid suppression may be required if the pancreas is so compromised that bicarbonate secretion is diminished or absent to alkalinize gastric secretion from the stomach) Creon AbbVie • 3000 • 6000 • 12,000 • 24,000 • 36,000 Pancreaze Vivus • 2600 • 4200 • 10,500 • 16,800 • 21,000 Pertzye Digestive Care, Inc • 4000 • 8000 • 16,000 • 24,000 Zenpep Nestlé Health Science • 3000 • 5000 • 10,000 • 15,000 • 20,000 • 25,000 • 40,000 Non-enteric coated tablet (acid suppression is required) Viokace Nestlé Health Science • 10,440 • 20,880 Notes: • Although oral pancreatic enzymes also include protease and amylase, clinicians typically dose based on lipase units. • Oral pancreatic enzymes are derived from porcine sources and should be used with caution in individuals with pork allerg y.

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