Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Enteral Nutrition Support for Adult Patients with Fat Malabsorption

Issue link: https://eguideline.guidelinecentral.com/i/1289696

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12 Pancreatic Enzyme Delivery with Enteral Nutrition Table 9B. Three Pancreatic Enzyme Delivery Options for EN* Method 3: Other Reported Procedures for Delivery of Oral Pancreatic Enzymes for Enteral Nutrition (NOT FDA-Approved)* Give by tube Mixed with Food Mixed with ick Liquid Mixed with Liquid Enteric-coated formulations Creon, Pancreaze, Zenpep Tube Size 16–18 Fr 10+ Fr † 10+ Fr † Example Applesauce Nectar-thick liquid Bicarbonate mixture (Table 11) Volume Food/ Liquid per Capsule 15 mL 50–100 mL 40–65 mL of bicarbonate mixture Mixing Stir and administer immediately Stir gently to suspend capsule contents in thickened liquid Crush capsule contents and mix, before use Prep Stop EN and flush tube prior to administering PERT Administration Administer mix with slow, gentle pressure Flush Flush tube, resume EN Give by mouth Enteric-coated formulations Creon, Pancreaze, Pertzye, Zenpep Nonenteric- coated formulations Viokace Administration Administer by mouth every 3–4 hours during EN infusion * Dose lipase units per Table 7 instructions. † If using 10 to12 Fr feeding tubes, low-dose enzyme capsules (3,000 to 5,000 units of lipase) are recommended as they contain the smallest sized capsule contents to avoid tube clogging.

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