Children Reduced Renal Function
15–20 mg/kg/day once daily
10–15 mg/kg/day once daily No change needed
≥12 years and ≥30 kg : adult dose
Studies ongoing in lower age groups and weights. Based
on expert opinion, for children >6 years and weight
15–30 kg half the adult dose can be used (200/day × 2
weeks then 100 mg M/W/F for 22–24 weeks)
No change needed
≥12 years: 10 mg/kg once daily (300 or 600 mg )
<12 years: Based on modelled pharmacokinetic data for
lower weight bands:
5–9 kg : 15 mg/kg once daily
10–23 kg : 12 mg/kg once daily
>23 kg : 10 mg/kg once daily
No change needed
2–5 mg/kg/day No change needed
15–20 mg/kg/day Start with 250 mg daily and
verify with TDM in setting
of renal disease
15–20 mg/kg/day Patients with decreased
renal function may require
the 15 mg/kg dose to be
given only 2–3 times weekly
to allow for drug clearance.
15–20 mg/kg daily
25–30 mg/kg twice-weekly
Patients with decreased
renal function may require
the 15 mg/kg dose to be
given only 2–3 times weekly
to allow for drug clearance.