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ACR Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Guidelines

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Table 7. Recommendations for High-Risk Patients with Established RA with Moderate or High Disease Activity and Comorbidities (cont'd) High-risk Condition Recommendations Level of Evidence Hepatitis C c Hepatitis C infection and receiving/received effective antiviral treatment Same recommendations as in patients without this condition. Very Low Hepatitis C infection and not receiving or requiring effective antiviral treatment Use DMARDs d over TNFi. Very Low Past history of treated or untreated malignancy e Previously treated or untreated skin cancer (non-melanoma or melanoma) Use DMARDs over biologics in melanoma. Use DMARDs over tofacitinib in melanoma. Use DMARDs over biologics in non-melanoma. Use DMARDs over tofacitinib in non-melanoma. Very Low Previously treated lymphoproliferative disorder Use rituximab over TNFi Very Low Previously treated lymphoproliferative disorder Use combination DMARD or abatacept or tocilizumab over TNFi. Very Low Previously treated solid organ malignancy Same recommendations as in patients without this condition. Very Low Previous serious infection(s) f Previous serious infection(s) Use combination DMARD over TNFi. f Use abatacept over TNFi. g Very Low See Table 9 for explanation of the Green and bolded and Yellow and italicized recommendations. a Conditional recommendations supported by evidence level ranging from moderate level to no evidence, supported by clinical experience and FDA safety warning with TNFi. b No studies were available, leading to very low quality evidence, and the recommendation was based on clinical experience. c Strong recommendations for Hepatitis B were largely based upon the recent American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) practice guidelines and clinical experience; conditional recommendations for Hepatitis C were largely supported by very low level evidence based upon case series and clinical experience. d Consider using DMARDs other than methotrexate or leflunomide, such as sulfasalazine or hydroxychloroquine. e Conditional recommendations supported by level of evidence ranging from very low to no evidence are largely based upon expert opinion and clinical experience. f Conditional recommendation was supported by very low level evidence. g ere was no consensus for making recommendations regarding the use of rituximab over TNFi or the use of tocilizumab over TNFi in this setting, due to indirect evidence (e.g., no comparison to TNFi or including patients with TB) and differences of opinion. In one study, compared to patients who restarted their previous TNFi following hospitalized infections, patients who switched to abatacept exhibited lower risk of subsequent hospitalized infections among the therapies examined. 11

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