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ACR Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Guidelines

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Treatment Table 6. Laboratory Monitoring for RA Patients on DMARDs: Recommendations for Optimal Follow-up Laboratory Monitoring Intervals a for Complete Blood Count, Liver Transaminase Levels, and Serum Creatinine Levels Therapeutic Agents b Monitoring interval c based on duration of therapy <3 months 3–6 months >6 months Hydroxychloroquine None aer baseline d None None Leflunomide 2–4 weeks 8–12 weeks 12 weeks Methotrexate 2–4 weeks 8–12 weeks 12 weeks Sulfasalazine 2–4 weeks 8–12 weeks 12 weeks a More frequent monitoring is recommended within the first 3 months of therapy or aer increasing the dose, and the outer bound of the monitoring interval is recommended beyond 6 months of therapy. Adapted from: Saag KG et al. Arthritis Rheum 2008;59:762–84. 12 b Listed alphabetically. c Patients with comorbidities, abnormal laboratory results, and/or multiple therapies may require more frequent laboratory testing than what is generally recommended laboratory monitoring for DMARDs in the table. d See Saag KG for baseline monitoring recommendations. 12 Table 7. Recommendations for High-Risk Patients with Established RA with Moderate or High Disease Activity and Comorbidities High-risk Condition Recommendations Level of Evidence Congestive heart failure (CHF) a CHF Use combination DMARDs or non-TNF biologic or tofacitinib over TNFi. Moderate to Very Low CHF worsening on current TNFi therapy Use combination DMARDs or non-TNF biologic or tofacitinib over another TNFi. Very Low b Hepatitis B c Active Hepatitis B infection and receiving/ received effective antiviral treatment Same recommendations as in patients without this condition. Very Low 10

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