ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

ACR Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Guidelines

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9 c Treatment target should ideally be low disease activity or remission. d Tapering denotes scaling back therapy (reducing dose or dosing frequency), not discontinuing it and, if done, must be conducted slowly and carefully. Non-TNF biologic +/- MTX or TNFi +/- MTX Treat to Target c Another Non-TNF biologic +/- MTX Moderate or High Disease Activity a, b Another Non- TNF biologic +/- MTX or Tofacitinib +/- MTX Non-TNF biologic +/- MTX or Tofacitinib +/- MTX TNFi +/- MTX (in TNFi naïve) or Tofacitinib +/- MTX Do not discontinue all RA treatments d Moderate or High Disease Activity a, b Multiple TNFi failure Dual Failure: TNFi and Non- TNF biologic failure Multiple Non- TNF biologic failure Single Non- TNF biologic failure Single TNFi failure Moderate or High Disease Activity a, b

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