ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Ankylosing Spondylitis Guidelines

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Figure 2. Management of Stable AS Stable AS NSAIDs Use on-demand NSAIDs & TNFi Slow-Acting Drugs & TNFi Physical Therapy TNFi alone (monotherapy) TNFi alone (monotherapy) Monitor validated AS disease activity measure and CRP or ESR regularly Unsupervised back exercises, formal group or individual self-management education, fall evaluation/counseling LEGEND • Strongly recommend • Conditionally recommend • Conditionally recommend against • Strongly recommend against • Qualifier Active AS NSAIDs Use continuously No preferred drug Physical Therapy Active over passive Land-based over aquatic Systemic glucocorticoids Consider if peripheral flare, pregnancy, IBD flare Slow-acting drugs (SSZ, pamidronate) Consider if peripheral arthritis or TNFi contraindications Remains active × Non-TNFi biologic × TNFI No preferred drug Use infliximab or adalimumab Use TNFi monoclonals Recurrent iritis IBD Remains active Alternative TNFi Local GC Local GC Local GC Consider if ≤2 joints; use infrequently Avoid achilles, patellar, quadriceps Monitor validated AS disease activity measure and CRP or ESR regularly Unsupervised back exercises, formal group or individual self-management education, fall evaluation/counseling Isolated sacroiliitis Peripheral arthritis Enthesitis Figure 1. Management of Active AS TNFi Contraindication

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