AAO Digital GUIDELINES Apps (free trial)

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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11 Table 4. Antioxidant Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Used in the AREDS2 Supplement Daily Dose a Vitamin C 500 mg Vitamin E 400 IU Lutein/zeaxanthin 10 mg/2 mg Zinc oxide 80 mg or 25 mg Cupric oxide 2 mg a ese doses are not those listed on the commercially available vitamin/mineral supplements because of a change in labeling rules by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that specifies that the doses must reflect the amounts available at the end of the shelf life. Data from Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Research Group. Lutein/zeaxanthin for the treatment of age-related cataract: AREDS2 randomized trial report umber 4. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131:843-850. Table 5. Summary of Results of Original AREDS for Developing Advanced AMD and Vision Loss Antioxidants Plus Zinc Zinc Alone Antioxidants Alone Reduction of the relative risk of developing advanced AMD 25% 21% 17% Reduction of the relative risk of vision loss (three or more lines) 19% 11% 10% AMD, age-related macular degeneration; AREDS, Age-Related Eye Disease Study Table 3. Treatment Recommendations and Follow-up for AMD (cont'd) Recommended Treatment Diagnoses Eligible for Treatment Follow-up Recommendations Intervals Testing Less Commonly Used Treatments for Neovascular AMD ermal laser photocoagulation surgery as recommended in the MPS reports • May be considered for extrafoveal classic CNV, new or recurrent • May be considered for juxtapapillary CNV • Return examination with fluorescein angiography approximately 2–4 weeks after treatment, and then at 4–6 weeks and thereafter depending on the clinical and angiographic findings • Retreatments as indicated • Monitoring of monocular near vision (reading/Amsler grid) AMD, age-related macular degeneration; CNV, choroidal neovascularization; MPS, Macular Photocoagulation Study

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