AAO Digital GUIDELINES Apps (free trial)

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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Contents of this Issue


Page 13 of 15

Management 12 Findings and Recommendations for Care Î Patients who have been instructed to use aspirin by a physician should continue to use it as prescribed. (II++, G, S) Î Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplementation as per the original AREDS and AREDS2 trials should be considered in patients with intermediate or advanced AMD. (I++, G, D) Î Intravitreal injection therapy using pan-vascular VEGF inhibiting agents (e.g., aflibercept, bevacizumab, and ranibizumab) is the most effective way to manage neovascular AMD, and it represents the first line of treatment. (I++, G, S) Î Symptoms suggestive of postinjection endophthalmitis or retinal detachment require prompt evaluation. (III, G, S) Treatment Modalities Î There is no evidence to support the use of antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for patients who have less than intermediate AMD. (I++, G, D) Î A lower zinc dose (25 mg) in the AREDS2 formulation could be considered. (I++, G, D) Î Anti-VEGF therapies have become first-line therapy for treatment and stabilizing most cases of neovascular AMD. (I++, G, S) Î Most juxtafoveal lesions that may have been previously treated with laser photocoagulation surgery are currently managed with anti-VEGF agents. (III, G, S) Î Patients with juxtafoveal lesions may also be considered eligible for the off-label use of PDT with verteporfin. (III, G, D) Î The current trend is to use anti-VEGF agents in preference to laser photocoagulation for extrafoveal lesions. (III, G, S) Î Laser surgery for extrafoveal lesions remains a less-commonly used, yet reasonable, therapy. (III, M, D) Î Radiation therapy, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, macular translocation surgery, and adjunctive use of intravitreal corticosteroids with verteporfin PDT are not recommended. (III, M, S)

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