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Dry Eye Syndrome

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7 Table 3. Diagnostic Tests Ordered for Possible Underlying Systemic Conditions in Patients With Dry Eye Suspected Underlying Condition Diagnostic Testing Sjögren syndrome SSA, SSB, ANA, RF yroid eye disease Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody, antithyroglobulin antibody, B-scan sonogram to assess extraocular muscle thickness Sarcoidosis Serum lysozyme, ACE, chest CT to determine extent of disease (consult with a pulmonologist as necessary), conjunctival biopsy Cicatricial pemphigoid Conjunctival biopsy with light microscopic as well as immunofluorescent or immunohistochemical studies ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ANA, antinuclear antibody; CT, computed tomography; RF, rheumatoid factor; SSA, anti-Sjögren syndrome A antibody (anti-Ro); SSB, anti-Sjögren syndrome B antibody (anti-La) Table 4. Characteristic Findings for Dry Eye Syndrome Diagnostic Testing Test Characteristic Findings Aqueous tear deficiency Ocular surface dye staining Pattern of exposure zone (interpalpebral) corneal and bulbar conjunctival staining typical Tear break-up time <10 seconds considered abnormal Aqueous tear production (Schirmer test) ≤10 mm for Schirmer test with anesthesia considered abnormal Fluorescein clearance test/ tear function index Test result is compared with a standard color scale Lacrimal gland function Decreased tear lactoferrin concentrations Tear osmolarity Possibly increased with unclear clinical implications Evaporative tear deficiency Ocular surface dye staining Staining of inferior cornea and bulbar conjunctiva typical Tear break-up time <10 seconds considered abnormal Tear osmolarity Possibly increased with unclear clinical implications

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