Special Populations
36. Live viral vaccines should not be administered to patients with
leukocyte adhesion deficiency, defects of cytotoxic granule
release such as Chediak-Higashi syndrome (see Combined
Immunodeficiencies), or any other undefined phagocytic cell defect
Innate Cytokine or Cellular Activation Defects
Innate defects in the immune system resulting in defects of cytokine
generation, cytokine response, or cellular activation include defects
of the interferon-γ/interleukin 12 axis.
37. Patients with innate immune system defects resulting in defects of
cytokine generation/response or cellular activation should receive
all inactivated vaccines based on the CDC annual schedule (SR-VL).
38. For patients with innate immune system defects resulting in defects
of cytokine generation/response or cellular activation, PCV13
should be administered as in recommendations 27a-c
(WR to SR-VL to L).
39. Specialist advice should be sought on individual conditions
concerning use of live vaccines in patients with innate immune
system defects resulting in defects of cytokine generation/
response or cellular activation/inflammation generation (SR-L).
40. Live bacterial vaccines should NOT be administered to patients
with defects of the interferon-γ/interleukin 12 pathways (SR-M).
41. Live viral vaccines should NOT be administered to patients with
defects of interferon (α or γ) production (SR-L).
Minor Antibody Deficiencies
42. Patients with immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency or specific
polysaccharide antibody deficiency (SPAD) should receive all
routine vaccinations based on the CDC annual schedule, provided
that other components of their immune system are normal (SR-L).
43. Children with SPAD or ataxia-telangiectasia should receive PCV13
as described in recommendations 27a-c (WR to SR-VL to L). Those
≥2 years of age should receive PPSV23 ≥8 weeks after indicated
doses of PCV13 and a second dose of PPSV23 5 years later (SR-L).
44. Monitoring of vaccine responses can be useful for assessing the
degree of immunodeficiency in patients with minor antibody
deficiencies and the level of protection (WR-M).
45. OPV should NOT be administered to IgA-deficient patients (SR-L).