Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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Diagnosis and Assessment of Disease Figure 1. Diagnosis of CAH After Infancy Baseline 17-OHP 6-300 nmol/L (200-10,000 ng/dL) Likely nonclassic CAH > 300 nmol/L (> 10,000 ng/dL) Likely classic CAH < 6 nmol/L (< 200 ng/dL) Likely unaffected or NCCAH 17-OHP post-ACTH stimulation test > 300 nmol/L (10,000 ng/dL) Classic CAH 31-300 nmol/L (1,000-10,000 ng/dL) NCCAH < 30 nmol/L (< 990 ng/dL) Likely unaffected or heterozygote Note: Steroid measurements may differ with the assay employed. Selecting a Treatment Regimen Prenatal Treatment of CAH ÎÎThe Endocrine Society (ES) recommends that prenatal therapy continue to be regarded as experimental. Thus the ES does not recommend specific treatment protocols. Medical Treatment of CAH in Growing Patients ÎÎPrescribe maintenance therapy with hydrocortisone (HC) tablets in growing patients with classic CAH (1|⊕⊕⊕). ÎÎDo NOT maintain the use of oral HC suspension. Do NOT use chronic longacting potent glucocorticoids (GCs) in growing patients (1|⊕⊕). ÎÎMonitor patients for signs of GC excess, as well as for signs of inadequate androgen suppression (1|⊕⊕). ÎÎTreat all patients with classic CAH with fludrocortisone and sodium chloride supplements in the newborn period and early infancy (1|⊕⊕).

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