Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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Selecting a Treatment Regimen Figure 2. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia All neonatal After infancy 2-tier screen for 21-hydroxylase deficiency Symptomatic Early morning baseline serum 17-OHP High Cosyntropin stimulation test Equivocal? Genetic counseling? Complete adrenocortical profile Growing patients Genotyping Adult patients ALL TREATED PATIENTS SHOULD CARRY MEDICAL ID NCCAH Symptomatic NCCAH CAH CAH Early infancy Treat if symptomatic MC and NaCl D/C if symptoms resolve? Feminizing surgery for severely virilized females (Prader stage ≥ 3) Monitor for growth, bone age, androgen and GC excess Tablet HC maintenance (dose < endogenous suppression) + fludrocortisone HC or long-acting GC +/− fludrocortisone Increase GC during major stress Monitor PE and hormones ≤ yearly Men Periodic US screen for testicular tumors Confirm +17-OHP with ACTH stimulation test Treat patientimportant hyperandrogenism or infertility

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