SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of SSIs

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6 Recommendations Table 2. Selected Risk Factors for and Recommendations to Prevent SSI Risk Factor Recommendation Quality of Evidence Intrinsic, patient-related (preoperative) Unmodifiable Age No formal recommendation. Relationship to increased risk of SSI may be secondary to comorbidities or immunosenescence. N/A History of radiation No formal recommendation. Prior irradiation at the surgical site increases the risk of SSI, likely due to tissue damage and wound ischemia. N/A History of skin and soft-tissue infections No formal recommendation. History of a prior skin infection may be a marker for inherent differences in host immune function. N/A Modifiable Glucose control Control serum blood-glucose levels for all surgical patients including patients without diabetes. H Obesity Increase dosing of prophylactic antimicrobial agent for morbidly obese patients. H Smoking cessation Encourage smoking cessation within 30 days of procedure. H Immunosuppressive medications Avoid immune-suppressive medications in perioperative period if possible. L Hypoalbuminemia No formal recommendation. Though a noted risk factor, do not delay surgery for use of total parenteral nutrition. N/A S. aureus nasal colonization Decolonize patients with nasal mupirocin or povidine-iodine prior to surgery. M Preparation of patient Hair removal Do not remove unless hair will interfere with the operation; if hair removal is necessary, remove outside of the operating room by clipping. Do not use razors. H Preoperative infections Identify and treat infections remote to the surgical site (e.g., urinary tract infection prior to elective surgery). Do not routinely test or treat for asymptomatic bacteriuria except in urologic procedures. M

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