SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Prevention of SSIs

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5 Table 1. Recommendations to Prevent Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) 17. Educate patients and their families about SSI prevention as appropriate. (L) 18. Implement policies and practices to reduce the risk of SSI for patients that align with applicable evidence-based standards, rules and regulations, and medical device manufacturer instructions for use. (M) 19. Observe and review operating room personnel and the environment of care in the operating room and in central sterile reprocessing. (L) Additional Approaches: can be considered for use in locations and/or hospital patient populations when HAIs are not controlled after implementation of essential practices 1. Perform an SSI risk assessment. (L) 2. Consider use of negative pressure dressings in patients who may benefit. (M) 3. Observe and review practices in the preoperative clinic, postanesthesia care unit, surgical intensive care unit, and/or surgical ward. (M) 4. Use antiseptic-impregnated sutures as a strateg y to prevent SSI. (M) Approaches that Should Not be Considered a Routine Part of SSI Prevention 1. Do not routinely use vancomycin for antimicrobial prophylaxis. (M) 2. Do not routinely delay surgery to provide parenteral nutrition. (H) 3. Do not routinely use antiseptic drapes as a strateg y to prevent SSI. (H) Unresolved Issues 1. Optimized tissue oxygenation at the incision site. 2. Preoperative intranasal and pharyngeal chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) treatment for patients undergoing cardiothoracic procedures. 3. Use of gentamicin-collagen sponges. 4. Use of antimicrobial powder. 5. Use of surgical attire. (cont'd)

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