SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

NICU Staphylococcus aureus

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Considerations Family Members and Visitors ➤ Emphasize the importance of hand hygiene by all family members and visitors in preventing the transmission of organisms ➤ Consistently model proper hand hygiene ➤ Require all family members and visitors to perform proper hand hygiene when: • Entering and exiting the NICU • Before and after each contact with the infant(s) ➤ Encourage and promote skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding, despite the parent or infant's MRSA infection or colonization status ➤ When an infant or parent is colonized with MRSA, family members and visitors are not required to use PPE while caring for their infant(s) ➤ When a parent has active MRSA infection: • Encourage skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding, while taking into consideration the location of the parent's MRSA lesion, the ability to control drainage, and the likelihood of the infant's contact with the lesion • Do not require the parent to wear a gown or gloves if drainage is contained, the site of the infection is covered, and strict hand hygiene practices are followed • Consider routine screening of infant(s), e.g. weekly if parents have active MRSA infections. Multiple Gestations with Discordant MRSA Status ➤ Use contact isolation for MRSA-colonized infants. Consider contact precautions for the noncolonized infant(s). ➤ Encourage skin-to-skin care to promote parent–infant bonding. Emphasize hand hygiene to prevent organism transfer to the noncolonized infant(s). ➤ Consider having parents perform skin-to-skin care with the noncolonized infant prior to skin-to-skin care with the MRSA-colonized infant. ➤ Encourage breastfeeding regardless of an infant's MRSA status. ➤ Units: • Should strongly consider routine screening of noncolonized infants (e.g., weekly, biweekly) with MRSA-colonized or infected siblings in the NICU.

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