SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Implementing Strategies to Prevent Infections in Acute-Care Settings

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10 Models and Frameworks Tables Table 6. Getting to Outcomes (GTO) ® 1. Chinman, M, Hunter, SB, Ebener, P, et al. The getting to outcomes demonstration and evaluation: an illustration of the prevention support system. Am J Community Psychol 2008;41:206–224. 2. Chinman, M, Acosta, J, Ebener, P, Malone, PS, Slaughter, ME. Can implementation support help community-based settings better deliver evidence-based sexual health promotion programs? A randomized trial of Getting to Outcomes. Implement Sci 2016;11:78. 3. Chinman, M, McCarthy, S, Hannah, G, Byrne, TH, Smelson, DA. Using Getting to Outcomes to facilitate the use of an evidence-based practice in VA homeless programs: a cluster-randomized trial of an implementation support strateg y. Implement Sci 2017;12:34. 4. Barbee, AP CD, Antle, B, Wandersman, A, Cahn, K. Successful adoption and implementation of a comprehensive casework practice model in a public child welfare agency: Application of the Getting to Outcomes (GTO) model. Child Youth Serv Rev 2011;33:622–633. 5. Ebener, PA, Hunter, Sarah B., Adams, RM, Eisenman, D, Acosta, JD, Chinman, M. Getting to Outcomes: Guide for Community Emergency Preparedness. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; 2017. (cont'd)

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