SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Implementing Strategies to Prevent Infections in Acute-Care Settings

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11 Table 7. Model for Improvement • Used to accelerate change in a variety of healthcare and public health settings • Designed for team-driven projects • Relies heavily on data analysis and interpretation • Requires training (much of which can be self-directed online) • Subspecialists have created primers focused on their practice areas • Developed by the Associates for Process Improvement based on Deming's System of Profound Knowledge 1,2,12 • Adopted by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) 11 in its 100,000 and 5 Million Lives campaigns 3 1. Answer 3 questions to identify needed changes or interventions: a. What are we trying to accomplish? b. How will we know that a change is an improvement? c. What change can we make that will result in improvement? 2. Test the changes or interventions using plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles: a. Plan: predictions of outcome b. Do: execution according to plan c. Study: analysis and evaluation d. Act: decision whether to keep, abandon, or modify the intervention 3. Use PDSA findings and decisions to plan the next experiment, starting a new PDSA cycle. Multiple cycles are done in series called 'ramps.'

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