SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Implementing Strategies to Prevent Infections in Acute-Care Settings

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14 Models and Frameworks Tables Table 9. Replicating Effective Practices (REP) May be used to: • Balance needs of the target population with the core elements of the intervention 1 • Maximize fidelity to interventions that have been tested and have produced statistically significant positive results 2,3 • Implement intervention(s) across the continuum of care (e.g., acute care to long-term care) or in multifacility systems when local institutional culture dictates the need for adaptation 2,3 ere are 4 phases of REP: 3 1. Preconditions (i.e., identification of needs) 2. Pre-implementation (e.g., community input) 3. Implementation (e.g., training ) 4. Maintenance (e.g., preparing for sustainability). Settings that have applied REP: • Healthcare 3 • Public health 1 • HIV prevention 2,4 1. Replicating Effective Programs (REP) project. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Updated November 2019. 2. Compendium of HIV prevention interventions with evidence of effectiveness, November 1999. compendium.pdf 3. Kilbourne, AM, Neumann, MS, Pincus, HA, Bauer, MS, Stall, R. Implementing evidence- based interventions in health care: application of the replicating effective programs framework. Implement Sci 2007;2:42. 4. Kilbourne, AM, Glasgow, RE, Chambers, DA. What can implementation science do for you? Key success stories from the field. J Gen Intern Med 2020;35:783–787. Table 8. Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) (cont'd) 8. Jeong, HJ, Jo, HS, Oh, MK, Oh, HW. Applying the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the dissemination and implementation of clinical practice guidelines for sexually transmitted infections. J Korean Med Sci 2015;30:847–852. 9. Stephens, AB, Wynn, CS, Stockwell, MS. Understanding the use of digital technolog y to promote human papillomavirus vaccination—A RE-AIM framework approach. Hum Vaccin Immunother 2019;15:1549–1561. 10. Shelby, T, Schenck, C, Weeks, B, et al. Lessons learned from COVID-19 contact tracing during a public health emergency: a prospective implementation study. Front Public Health 2021;9:721952. 11. RE-AIM: Improving Public Health Relevance and Population Health Impact. RE-AIM and PRISM Guide. Interactive RE-AIM Planning Tool. framework/re-aim-guidance/use-when-planning-a-project/planning-tool/

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